I know, I know. Any excuse to use that GIF, right? Madison Montgomery is my favorite and be serious—that quote is iconic.
But in all seriousness…I know it’s been a long wait for the return to regularly scheduled programming and if you’re still here—or you’re back, like I am!—I genuinely appreciate it. It’s been a long couple of months. Emotionally, mentally—hell, even physically—it’s been…I’ll be real with you, it’s been rough.
Question of the day: am I the trash here or the garbage man? YOU DECIDE. No just kidding, just kidding. Sorry. The self-deprecation is strong with this one.
There have been good things. Very good things. Incredible things. And it’s important to focus on the good things and the people who love you and take care of you when you’re going through something terrible.
But this post isn’t about that. This post is about my return to blogging. Sadly, for a lot of reasons, samsaraparchment.com had to take a back seat for a couple months. I’m a big advocate for mental health always coming first, and if something isn’t serving your mental health and it’s elective, then by all means, you need to do what’s best for you. Unfortunately dealing with my anxiety as a result of my situation the past couple of months didn’t allow me the focus and concentration to keep on top of posts here. So I took a little break.

One day, maybe, we’ll get into all this—it would be admittedly cathartic, if not entirely nerve wracking. But today is not that day. Today is the day to tell you that we are back (and by we, I mean myself and any of you reading this.) I’ve genuinely missed blogging and I’ve missed writing daily and I’ve missed posting and talking to everyone. To be honest with you, even though I post much more often on Instagram and it’s brought a lot of amazing people and companies and art into my life, blogging has always been my first love.
So, there have been a few changes and I have a few things planned and it’s all very exciting. Well, to me, at least.
First, as you can see, things look a little different around here. I’ve always been a fan of the minimal look for blogs but I revamped the layout/theme and look of things a little bit. And there will be new posts incoming, including:
- Top Ten Tuesdays! ThatArtsyReaderGirl has some great prompts coming up that I’d love to participate in.
- Spooky Saturdays! I’m really excited about this one, where we’ll be exploring a different spooky topic on Saturdays.
- Book reviews, mini reviews, and recommendations—so you know, the usual stuff. Just more of it.
- Unboxings and bookish product recommendations/reviews – OwlCrate, subscription boxes, bookish candles, whatever I run across that I want to share with y’all!

So, I can’t wait to get started, and I’ll be talking to you all again soon! Stay tuned for some upcoming reviews and Top Ten Tuesdays, and some really exciting Spooky Saturday topics. And if you want, you can subscribe to the blog by adding your email to the list so you never miss any of my posts. And if you like pictures like the one above, follow my Instagram for tons more. 😉
What has everyone else been up to since I’ve been quiet? What posts are you most excited about? Let me know in the comments! You know I’d love to talk. <3
Thank you, bebe!!! Glad to be back!!! 🙂